Service to community

Our Youth Ministry team is the 'the heads, hearts and the hands of Jesus', walking in the footsteps of Catherine McAuley and the sisters of Mercy by providing opportunities to live out the College Mercy Values of Justice Excellence, Compassion and Hospitality.

Our Youth Ministry team provides support for a variety of Social Justice organisations such as Caritas, Rosies, St Vincent de Paul Society and Tony’s Kitchen. These community groups provide specialised aid to those living in the margins and we in turn support them. 

Serving the community is embedded into the Senior curriculum through the Praxis Living Water Service-Learning Program; with plans to extend this across all year levels commencing in 2024.

The Praxis Living Water Service-Learning Program

The Praxis Living Water program sets the Catholic Social Teachings into action through service-learning. Students recontextualise scripture to discover what it means for us in the 21st Century.

Students delve deep into the theory behind works of service and action. Over the course, students consider why we are called to act on behalf of those less fortunate than ourselves, identify injustices in society, perform acts of service and reflect on these and learn from them. Students have the opportunity to discover who they are and how they connect to others in society.

The Praxis Living Water Service-Learning Program provides students with opportunities to:

  • choose their own service-learning initiatives
  • plan and lead fundraising events
  • hone their advocacy skills
  • create and host various liturgies throughout the year.

The personalised voice provided through this program allows students a sense of autonomy and independence, while also learning how to help those within the communities that surround them.

Service Partners

We thank the following Service partners for supporting our students in serving the community.

Rosies Logo  Caritas LogoShare the Dignity Logo
DDZoo-logo Tonys Community Kitchen Logovinnies logo
Rotary East Logo
