Mission, vision and values

Our Vision

To inspire young women to live out the Mercy values of our founder, Catherine McAuley and become empowered women in a changing world.

Our Mission

Our College Mission underpins our work at the College and is the foundation of our daily life.

Faith and Spirituality

We nurture our faith and spirituality through our Catholic tradition, Mercy heritage and cultural inclusivity.

Welfare and Relationships

We support the spiritual, emotional and social wellbeing of all within our College community.

Learning and Teaching

We commit to excellence in education through the provision of a diverse and challenging curriculum, which empowers our young women to become autonomous, lifelong learners and valued contributors to society.

Resources and Development

We commit to resourcing the College through collaborative planning, tempered by social justice principles that reflect our commitment to stewardship and a sustainable future.

Our Values

Compassion - to empathise with and to respond to all with hearts and hands of Mercy

Justice - to actively promote opportunities and equity for all through an awareness of Rights and Responsibility

Hospitality - to create a welcoming community enabling all to experience a sense of belonging

Excellence - to strive to do our personal best in all we do
